Racing Videos

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Cheetah vs Greyhound Speed Test | BBC Earth
Sam and Simon film the world's fastest recorded canine - the greyhound. We find out how it compares to the world's fastest cat - the cheetah.

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Inside Greyhound Racing: Life at a Racing Kennel
Ever wondered what life is like at home for the canine athletes you’ve seen on the track? We headed to Derby-winning trainer Kevin Hutton’s kennels to shine a light on their daily routines and everything that is in place to ensure his greyhounds enjoy every moment of their racing careers and eventual retirements as pets.

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Cheetah and Dog Race to See Who's Faster
A cheetah and a dog are an unlikely pair but the San Diego Park Safari made it happen! In an amazing video, the two race to see who is faster. Keleigh Nealon (@keleighnealon) has the story!

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Greyhounds - Hurdle Racing
Hurdle Racing: Spectacular, But Now Just A Part Of History. Almost as soon as greyhound racing behind the mechanical lure commenced, the venues began thinking of ways to keep attracting the crowds. One of these was the introduction of hurdle races.

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Greyhound vs Horse Who Will Win ?
Scoobers For Animal.

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Arabic Dogs Race
Arabic dogs race.

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The 10 Fastest Dog Breeds On This Planet
If the quality you're interested in is speed, in this video are 10 fastest dog breeds on this PLANET. They are : Weimaraner, Whippet, Borzoi, Dalmation, Afghan Hound, Ibizan Hound, Saluki, Vizsla , Jack Russell Terrier, Greyhound .